Friday, November 14, 2014

Started out this morning and it was a balmy 26 degrees, but the sun came up early and warmed the New Mexico road quickly!  Made a few stops along my way to Ash Fork, Arizona, and this is how it all started this morning!

Then, I made a pit stop for an hour loop around the Petrified Forest Nat'l Park:

Well, what good would a trip along historic Route 66 be without some cool beverages and a Navajo blanket!

And what trip wouldn't include a hike into Walnut Canyon Natl Historical Site?  Of course, it was worthy of a photobomb...

And I ended the day in Ash Fork, AZ, along Route 66, but it was late and photos will have to come tomorrow!

I leave you with:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

22 Degrees

When handed the option to stay out in the 22 degree cold in the Wally World parking lot or get a room at the Hilton, I'm gonna choose Hilton every time!

Every time...

Hello Lubbock!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

So my Equal-I-Zer hitch kept tilting left and right, and it was rubbing a couple of spots in the bedliner, so the only thing to do was build a box for it!

$14 worth of lumber and deck screws (I already had the wood glue) and here is the finished product.

There is extra room for the hitch accessories too, so that's nice.  I also bought some ultra heavy duty 60qt storage containers for all the stuff when I pack up to travel.  Then I drank beers.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Not shy about drilling into the Airstream anymore, and this came today from Amazon.  It frees up much needed counter space for the coffee pot.

It was easy to install after I cut the included screws down so they didn't pop through the shelving.

I'm learning quickly how to utilize the space available without making things look cluttered.  The main thing I've learned is to buy beer in six-packs instead of cases.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

So, I'm heading out of the RV Park this morning, pretty early for a Sunday but I wanted fresh bagels and the early bird etc...

I ran this bad boy over:

It took three passes, but I believe I got him.  I actually got out of the truck with my gun drawn in case he tried anything funny, but I do believe I killed him dead and didn't figure on killing him a second time.

I walk around this area with flip flops all the time.  That's about to change.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

I'm not sure what I like better.  Sleeping in until the sunrise hits my face and nature says get up, or waking up to the peaceful sound of my telephone at 6 AM asking if I'll cover call on the one day off I've had in the last 7 days.

I'm gonna go with the sunrise on this one, and I'll curse the nurse that called at 6AM some other time!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

So yesterday I stop in Georgetown at the Blue Hole on the San Gabriel river.  It was pretty cool actually.
And when I got home, I'd noticed that my photo and write up got 5th place on's July contest!

All in all a great, off to Berry Springs for a walk in the park!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Spent the day doing laundry in my old apartment.  Free w/d and free electricity thanks to CCTC, so why not!  I gave my friend Kurt a fond farewell by covering his shift this afternoon at the hospital, where I promptly got used and abused by emergencies.

Sometime I think I'm just talking to myself, but anyway...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

So today, I grilled for the first time in my new AS, and it turned out delicious.

But the cleanup was more than I'd hoped for.

And this morning, I put the first holes in my new AS, because it needed one of these:

I washed it all down with some Shiner Blond Light.  Another weekend over and done with, back to the OR tomorrow.  Yippee.

Friday, August 1, 2014

So me and my little Pushke drove up Texas 130 today, and parked our wheels at Berry Springs RV Park.  It was late so photos tomorrow.  I'm all settled in, the Bunn is hot and making excellent coffee as usual, and I think I'm all unpacked.  We'll reassess in the morning.  Hunker down, its gonna be my first night as a full-timer! 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Bought my little Pushke some toys today.  Water hose, toiletries, wheel chocks, linens...

Let the adventures begin!

Monday, June 9, 2014

So on Saturday, the 7th, I took delivery of my brand new 2014 Airstream Flying Cloud 25FB.  I hooked it up, did the walkaround, learned a lot, and commenced to storing it for the next two months.  My assignment at Seton Williamson hospital has given me the opportunity to live in a very nice apartment, so I'm not gonna give that up just yet.

Mom, of course, thinks I'm crazy.  Dad, on the other hand, loves the idea and thinks mom's crazy.

As soon as I get settled I'll start my blog up again, under the guise of a man livin' the dream!